Health Conditions, Food

Does Vinegar Lower Blood Pressure? Amazing Cure or Old Wives Tale?

Does Vinegar Lower Blood Pressure? Amazing Cure or Old Wives Tale?


At this stage, there is no scientific proof of vinegar reducing blood pressure. The majority of evidence is anecdotal only.

There are dozens of home remedies available for treating high blood pressure. Home remedies, while not to be considered a replacement for professional medical advice are often a good starting point provided they are safe. In most cases this is because they are natural, often provide other health benefits, and for the most part, are easy to find. One popular home remedy that most of us will already have in our cupboards is vinegar. But just how effective is vinegar when it comes to lowering blood pressure? In the following article, we take a closer look at the argument for and against using vinegar to treat high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure Affects one in Three Adult Americans

High Blood Pressure Affects one in Three Adult Americans

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, high blood pressure currently affects 67 million Americans, which is 1 in every three adults. Among those 67 million Americans, only 47% have their high blood pressure under control. High blood pressure has a number of severe consequences. For example, high blood pressure increases your chances of a heart attack significantly and can cause kidney damage, stroke, vision loss, and peripheral artery disease. Most medical professionals will recommend solutions to reducing your blood pressure, including medications. However, sometimes a good old-fashioned home remedy can be a good starting point, provided it works.

Does Vinegar Lower Blood Pressure?

There have not been an extensive amount of studies regarding the blood pressure lowering properties of vinegar. However, while there have not been many studies, there are many anecdotal claims being made that vinegar is capable of lowering blood pressure. Up to this point, however, it has to be said that the research is very limited, both for and against.

There is one study, carried out in 2011 supporting apple cider vinegar’s blood pressure lowering abilities but to put this in context, this test was carried out on rodents, bred to have high blood pressure, not humans. For the purpose of the study, one test group was fed apple cider vinegar and the other water. The vinegar test group did report significantly lower blood pressure results but to cite this study as direct proof that vinegar does indeed lower blood pressure in humans would be premature.

Be that as it may, there are many people who believe vinegar, particularly apple cider vinegar to be an effective cure for high blood pressure. Considering the lack of research it’s difficult to dispute this claim.

How to Take Apple Cider Vinegar

How to Take Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been administered as a natural remedy for a number of ailments for a very long time. The vinegar is made out of the cider. The traditional color of apple cider vinegar is a pale to medium amber color. If you are using organic apple cider vinegar, you’ll notice a substance settling on the bottom of the jar known as “mother of vinegar.” It is a substance that is comprised of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria. For health purposes, it is best to use the organic version. The good news is that it also isn’t much more costly than the non-organic kind.

The most palatable solution is to mix one tablespoon of the vinegar with one tablespoon of honey in a glass of water.

The great thing about apple cider vinegar is that it is extremely convenient.

The most palatable solution is to mix one tablespoon of the vinegar with one tablespoon of honey in a glass of water.

You should drink this solution twice daily. Both the apple cider vinegar and the honey contain potassium, an element that reduces the body’s sodium levels.

The reduced sodium levels in your body are thought by many to assist with reducing blood pressure.

Reduce Sodium Intake: In order to maintain the effects of the apple cider vinegar, you should also avoid food and drink that is high in sodium. Your sodium intake ideally should be lowered from 2,300 mg a day to 1,500 mg. If you want to ensure that your sodium levels stay low and allow the vinegar to have an effect, especially avoid foods processed foods such as bread, cheese, canned foods, and fried foods.

Best Brands of Apple Cider Vinegar

The next consideration for the consumer is the brand of apple cider vinegar. As pointed out earlier, you may prefer to choose organic brands of the vinegar because they retain more of their health value. Amongst the many apple cider vinegar brands available, the most highly rated according to consumers are Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, Dynamic Health, and Fleischmann’s Vinegar. These options can all be seen below.

Storage is also very simple. Vinegar can keep for a long time in your home due to its high acidic properties, just make sure to store it at room temperature level throughout the year.

Other Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Other Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apart from potentially lowering your blood pressure and improving your heart’s health, there are a number of other reported benefits to apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is cited as curing common stomach complaints, reducing inflammation in the body, curing yeast infections, and even reducing acne. There has also been some introductory research carried out that shows some potential for vinegar’s ability to combat diabetes and some types of Cancer. Although the research is far too limited to draw a definite conclusion at this point the results have been promising.

Does Vinegar Lower Blood Pressure? The Verdict

The truth is there just isn’t enough research proving vinegar is capable of reducing blood pressure in humans. This despite there being many claims made regarding vinegar’s many purported health benefits. The truth is incorporating vinegar into your diet in an attempt to lower your blood pressure won’t cause any harm. Our recommendation is to try it yourself and see if it works for you.

Has vinegar been an effective way to treat your own high blood pressure? Why not leave a comment below and share your story.


About Kevin Gianni (health & Wellness)

Kevin Gianni is a health author, activist and blogger. He started seriously researching personal and preventative natural health therapies in 2002 when he was struck with the reality that cancer ran deep in his family and if he didn’t change the way he was living — he might go down that same path. Since then, he’s written and edited 6 books on the subject of natural health, diet and fitness. During this time, he’s constantly been humbled by what experts claim they know and what actually is true. This has led him to experiment with many diets and protocols — including vegan, raw food, fasting, medical treatments and more — to find out what is myth and what really works in the real world.Kevin has also traveled around the world searching for the best protocols, foods, medicines and clinics around and bringing them to the readers of his blog — which is one of the most widely read natural health blogs in the world with hundreds of thousands of visitors a month from over 160 countries around the world.

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